Tax statement list & delivery schedule

Here you’ll learn which tax statements are delivered based on account transaction activity and the dates they’ll be made available. If you believe you’ve made a transaction that requires IRS reporting and did not receive a statement, please contact TIAA.

Consult with your tax advisor concerning your personal tax situation.

If statements are not available by the date listed below for Retirement, Portfolio Advisor and TIAA Personal Portfolio accounts, call 800-842-2252, weekdays, 8 a.m - 10 p.m. (ET).

Required minimum distributions (RMD)
You are at least 70½ years old and have withdrawn the required minimum amount from your retirement account by the year's end

January 31

May 31

IRA Recharacterization
You've moved an annual contribution from one type of IRA to a different type of IRA

January 31

May 31

IRA Rollover

You've initiated a rollover of funds from your former employer-sponsored plan or another IRA into an either new or existing IRA

January 31

May 31

Retirement account distributions


  • You've received funds from your retirement account(s) from either a single request for cash or periodic request for cash
  • You've completed a Roth conversion by rolling funds from one or more retirement plans into a Roth IRA
January 31
Loan default

You’ve defaulted on payments for a loan taken from your retirement account

Note: The initial amount of the loan proceeds are not taxable, only the remaining defaulted funds are considered taxable

January 31
IRA Contribution

You’re an active employee and made payroll contributions to your individual retirement account


You have a non-employer sponsored Traditional IRA and made a direct contribution individual retirement account

May 31
Deferred Compensation
You’ve deferred a portion of your income into a deferred compensation plan
January 31
Miscellaneous income
You've received funds from a deferred compensation plan as a beneficiary
January 31
Puerto Rico plan


You’re a resident of Puerto Rico and have received payments from a Puerto Rico sourced retirement plan

February 28
Canadian residents NR4 You received funds from a Canadian currency account and converted to US currency accounts March 31
Deferred interest 
1099-INT You’ve deferred interest on a delayed cash distribution that equals $10 or more January 31
IRA Fair Market Value No statement generated Only the value of the IRA is reflected and no other activity (rollover, contribution) has occurred during the tax reporting time period Not applicable
Direct Transfer No statement generated You've moved funds between the same type of retirement account which resulted in a non-taxable and non-reportable transaction Not applicable

Brokerage tax statements will be delivered by the IRS deadline listed below. We send the statements in a phased approach to ensure you receive your tax statements as earliest as possible and with complete information. However, some issuers are unable to provide us with final reporting information required for us to meet the standard IRS deadline; therefore, we occasionally request an IRS extension so we can send your tax statement when the final data is received. We strive to send your tax statement with accurate figures the first time instead of sending amended tax statements. If statements are not available by the end of the phases, call 800-842-2252, weekdays, 8 a.m - 7 p.m. (ET).

Visit the Investor Tax Information and ResourcesOpens in a new window page for additional Brokerage tax resources and the Supplemental Tax Information Tool.  The Supplemental Tax Information Tool may provide information about municipal bonds or income from foreign countries that you may need in order to file your taxes and will be available by March.

Note:  Once issued, Brokerage tax statements can be found on the Statements & documentsOpens in a new window page in the Tax Documents section.

Capital gains & losses
You’ve sold an investment and have capital gains income or losses to report

Available in


Dividends and Capital gains distributions
You’ve received dividend income or capital gains distributions

Available in


Original Issue Discount (OID)
You purchased an individual bond at a discount and must report a portion of that discount

Available in


Stock payments
Instead of dividends, you received payments for stocks

Available in


Phases for Statements 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-OID, 1099-MISC
  Phase 1
  • Available for accounts with investments in stocks, bonds and options
January 31
  Phase 2
  • Available for accounts holding mutual funds and other investments, including Portfolio Advisor accounts; where the final information has been received.
  • Revisions for 1099s sent in prior phases, as needed
February 7
  Phase 3
  • Available for accounts when the final information has been received.
  • Pending 1099 Notices will be provided for accounts when the final tax information has not been received
  • Revisions for 1099s sent in prior phases, as needed
February 14
  Phase 4
  • Available for brokerage accounts when final tax information is available
  • Revisions for 1099s sent in prior phases, as needed.
February 21
  Phase 5
  • Available for brokerage accounts when final tax information is available
  • Revisions for 1099s sent in prior phases, as needed
February 28
  Phase 6
  • Available for brokerage accounts when final tax information is available
  • Revisions for 1099s sent in prior phases, as needed
March 7
  Phase 7
  • Available for all remaining brokerage accounts, regardless of whether final tax information has been received
  • Revisions for 1099s sent in prior phases, as needed
March 14

IRA contributions

IRA rollovers

IRA recharacterizations

You've owned, contributed, converted, rolled over, or recharacterized an IRA held in a Trust
May 31

Trust tax forms will be delivered by the IRS deadline listed below. For 1099-B, 1099-DIV, 1099-INT and 1099-OID, we send those forms using a consolidated approach, meaning 1099s will be provided for accounts when all information has been received and considered final and complete.

However, some issuers are unable to provide us with final reporting information required for us to meet the standard IRS deadline; therefore, we occasionally request an IRS extension so we can send your tax form when the final data is received. We strive to send your tax form with accurate figures the first time instead of sending amended tax forms.

If tax statements are not available by the dates listed, please reach out to your Senior Trust AdministratorOpens in a new window or the Trust Client Solutions GroupOpens in a new window (TCSG) at 844-567-9001 or email them at TrustClientSolutionsGroup@TIAA.orgOpens Email with any questions.

Retirement account (IRA) distributions
You've received funds from your retirement account(s) (IRA) from either a single request for cash or periodic request for cash, rollover or conversion
January 31
Taxable distributions

Consolidated 1099

(Combines various types of 1099 forms into one document)






  • You’ve earned $10 or more in interest on a bank account
  • You’ve sold an investment and have capital gains income or losses to report
  • You’ve received dividend income or capital gains distributions
  • You own a MarketSafe CD held in a Trust
February 15 - March 15

(Note: Some consolidated forms may not be available by February 15 due to the IRS permitting companies to report at later times. All forms should be distributed by March 15.)

*1099-DIV for the TIAA-CREF Real Estate Securities Fund is sent by February 28.  

IRA contributions

IRA rollovers

IRA recharacterizations

You've owned, contributed, converted, rolled over, or recharacterized a contribution
May 31