Johns Hopkins University
Enroll in the plans, view your account balances, and update your voluntary contribution amount and/or investment vendors. Visit the JHU Retirement Enrollment Page Opens in a new windowto get started.
Learn how to start investing and find out which options are available for this plan.
A target-date fund based on when you’d like to retire.1
Choose based on your preferred investment style.
If you're comfortable, you can choose your own investments.
1As with all mutual funds, the principal value in a target date fund is not guaranteed at any time. Diversification cannot eliminate the risk of investment losses. Target date funds share the risks associated with the types of securities held by each of the underlying funds in which they invest. In addition to the fees and expenses associated with these funds, there is exposure to the fees and expenses associated with the underlying mutual funds as well. Also, the target date represents an approximate date when investors may plan to begin withdrawals. After the target date has been reached, some of these funds may be merged into a fund with a more stable asset allocation.