The VDC program allows you to customize your retirement plan. You
pick investments and providers, you name beneficiaries, and you
decide what to do with your retirement savings.
A VDC program can also go with you if you start working for
another NYS agency, and you can withdraw money when you stop
working for your current agency. The VDC program is designed to
allow you to retire at any age.
Every year, your employer will contribute an amount equal to 8% of your compensation toward your VDC program. After just one year, all contributions are fully vested. Compare that to five years for defined benefit plans.
Your retirement options are summarized in our brief, interactive
video. We recommend that you view it prior to making a retirement
plan election.
View the Comparison Video
Find out how a defined benefit plan and VDC program differ.
View the Comparison Chart
In-depth information about the Voluntary Defined Contribution
Download the VDC Program Overview
All New York State agencies are required to offer the VDC program
to eligible employees. You may be eligible for the VDC program if
you have an estimated
salary rate of pay
of $75,000 or greater.
You are not eligible if a union represents you.
may not be eligible if you previously participated in a New York
State Public Defined Benefit plan.
View additional eligibility information.
Employees have 30 days from their date of hire to enroll in the
Professional financial representatives are available to assist participants with all three approaches |
All investment providers offer professional financial guidance to assist participants |
You can access a financial consultant virtually, by phone or in person (when available) for advice and education on your investment strategy. |
1 For Fidelity Investments only: If you invest in the SUNY Optional Retirement Program/New York State Voluntary Defined Contribution Program through Fidelity you will be investing in a variable group annuity contract issued by Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company ("MassMutual"), 1295 State Street, Springfield, MA 01111-0001 and administered by Fidelity Investments. If benefit payments are annuitized under the group annuity contract issued by MassMutual, those benefit guarantees are subject to the claims paying ability of MassMutual.
To learn more about the enrollment process,
download the VDC program enrollment guide (PDF).
If you recently moved from one NYS or NYC agency to another, you must register your account(s) under your new NYS or NYC agency.
Follow these instructions.
Before enrolling, please have the following information available:
To complete your enrollment online you will:
Or for detailed enrollment instructions, follow this link to the
Quick Reference Enrollment Guide.
Call 1-866-271-0960 to speak with an experienced consultant who can guide you through the enrollment process.
"I want peace of mind for my future."
Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.
You will be connected to an experienced consultant from
Retirement@Work who can answer your online enrollment questions.
You can speak to a financial consultant by calling any of the authorized investment providers.
Note: The Program sponsor of the New York State VDC Program is
The State University of New York (SUNY). The retirement vehicle
is the SUNY Optional Retirement Plan.